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Premier Residential Fencing in the Chicagoland Area

We Have Residential Fencing Solutions You Can Count On

When it comes to securing and enhancing your residential property, you want a fence company you can count on. From professional residential fence installation to a wide array of other fencing services, you can trust in the experts at Paramount Fence to deliver the highest quality craftsmanship for your fence. Our locally owned and operated company has helped thousands of homeowners in the Greater Chicago, IL area, including Kane, DuPage, Kendall, Dekalb, McHenry, and parts of Cook, Will, and Lake Counties.

If you’re thinking of installing a high-quality fence on your property, call us first, and we can walk you through every step of the process. Our company offers several exceptional residential fencing solutions, and we pride ourselves on honesty, choice, and superior customer care. Contact us today for your free on-site estimate!

Our Expert Team Installs Several Residential Fence Types

solid wood fence

With several styles and materials to choose from, you can be sure you’ll get the residential fencing you’ve always wanted for your home. If you’re unsure about the different residential fence types available, our team is well-equipped to help you decide what will work best for your needs. Whether you want a chain-link fence or perhaps something a bit more aesthetic, we’ve got you covered. We are highly experienced in residential fence installation and offer our clients the following fence types to choose from:

  • Wood: Wood fences are great for providing privacy and are also a very attractive style to choose from. Depending on what style you choose, your fence will either provide total privacy, such as a solid wood fence where the boards almost touch, or a spaced picket design that gives you an open feeling while securing your yard. The majority of our wood fences are comprised of all-natural, renewable, durable, long-lasting cedar, or we offer pressure-treated pine, so you can rest assured knowing it will last for years to come.
  • Ornamental: Our decorative ornamental fences last a lifetime, require no maintenance, and integrate perfectly into any yard. We provide all customers with a lifetime manufacturers’ warranty when we install decorative ornamental fences, and our ornamental aluminum and steel fences and gates add a beautiful touch to properties.
  • PVC/Vinyl: Our PVC/Vinyl fences are low maintenance, have a long lifespan, and look great in any yard. If you want your fence to look a little more upscale than a wood fence, PVC is a great option. These cost-effective fencing solutions don’t sacrifice quality or durability. You can quickly obtain the “white picket fence” of your dreams with PVC/Vinyl fence installation.
  • Chain Link: Chain link fences are an attractive option to homeowners because they’re durable,  low maintenance, offer visibility to the surroundings, and provide plenty of protection for kids and pets in the yard. For maintenance-conscious homeowners, a chain link fence is usually the best option.

Regardless of the size of your property, our team is fully equipped to complete any project you need done. From board-on-batten wood cedar to stockade wood, chain link fencing, and ornamental steel, we have all the best fencing types available.

A white fence with a decorative lattice panel on the side in Batavia, IL

The Benefits of Residential Fencing Installation

From additional security for your property to curb appeal, there are several benefits to having a state-of-the-art fence installed. The professionals at Paramount Fence offer a wide range of fencing solutions and can help you select the best one for your property, as well as your budget. Whether you’re looking for aesthetics, quality, or security, we can help you find the best solution for your needs. Homeowners choose us for residential fence installation because we have:

  • Exceptional customer service & care
  • High-quality fence products
  • Professional installation expertise
  • Creative concepts & solutions for unique properties
  • Free on-site estimates

Learn More About Our Residential Fence Options with These FAQs

Explore our diverse range of residential fences, each designed to elevate your property’s security and aesthetics. Whether you seek the timeless charm of wood, the low-maintenance benefits of residential PVC or vinyl, the elegance of ornamental designs, or the durability of chain-link, we have the perfect fence to match your vision. Our experts will build you a fence that will last for years to come. Each fence type offers distinct advantages, from style to maintenance and durability. With our no-interest financing options, building the fence of your dreams has never been easier. Take a closer look at our residential fence offerings in the following FAQ section to make an informed choice and enhance your property.

How Long Will My Fence Last?

The lifespan of your fence depends on various factors, including the type of material used, the level of maintenance, and environmental conditions. We prioritize durability and longevity. Our wood fences are constructed from all-natural, renewable cedar or pressure-treated pine, ensuring they withstand the test of time. Ornamental fences come with a lifetime manufacturer’s warranty. Residential PVC/vinyl fences are known for their long lifespan and minimal maintenance requirements. Chain-link fences are chosen for their durability and low maintenance. We offer a variety of high-quality fencing options that can last anywhere from 15 to 50 years or more with proper maintenance.

Does My Fence Require Any Maintenance?

Maintenance needs vary by fence type. Residential wood fences may require staining, sealing, or occasional repairs to maintain the appearance and prevent decay. Residential ornamental and PVC/vinyl fences are virtually maintenance-free, requiring only occasional cleaning. Chain-link fences are also low maintenance, requiring minimal care to keep them in good condition. We’ll provide detailed maintenance guidance for your chosen fence during your consultation with our fence company.

What Options Do We Have Regarding the Height of the Fence?

The height of your fence can vary based on your objectives and local regulations. For privacy, you may opt for a taller fence, while a shorter fence may be suitable for decorative purposes. We offer residential fencing options that range in height from 3 to 8 feet. Our team can work with you to determine the appropriate height based on your needs while ensuring compliance with local regulations.

When Can I Have My Fence Installed?

We offer year-round installation services to meet your fencing needs whenever you’re ready. Whether it’s the peak of summer, the colors of fall, or the tranquility of winter, our dedicated team is here to make your fencing project a reality. Contrary to popular belief, winter is a great season for installation because snow acts like an insulator for the ground, and we dig below the frost line. Our fencing company is committed to delivering exceptional service no matter the season.

Which Fence Is the Best for My Home?

Choosing the best fence for your home depends on your unique needs and preferences. That’s why we offer many different residential fence options, including wood, vinyl, PVC, ornamental, and chain-link. Our experts will help you select the fence that best suits your needs and budget.

Can You Assist With Fence Permits and Regulations?

We are knowledgeable about local regulations and can help guide you through the permitting process to ensure your residential fence complies with all applicable laws.

Do You Provide Free On-Site Estimates?

Absolutely! We offer free on-site estimates to assess your property, discuss your fencing needs, and provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the project scope and costs. This helps ensure transparency and allows us to address your questions or concerns.

Ready to Upgrade Your Fencing? Contact Us Today!

Paramount Fence has residential fencing solutions that elevate your property’s security and curb appeal in Batavia, IL and surrounding areas in Kane, DuPage, Kendall, Dekalb, McHenry, and parts of Cook, Will, and Lake Counties. View our gallery and explore our wide range of residential fencing options. Our friendly team is here to assist you every step of the way. Let us customize the perfect solution for your home. Contact us for a free estimate and take the first step toward enhancing your home with the right fence, done right the first time!

Find a Fencing Solution to Fit Your Budget