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Backyard Fence Installation in the Chicagoland Suburbs

Paramount Fence provides a wide range of fence services for homeowners in Illinois and the surrounding areas. Choosing a fence is not a decision you should take lightly. You must consider how you want your fence to look, where you need it on your property, and any safety features you may want to include. Our experts have more than 100 years’ worth of combined experience, and we are eager to help you through the process. You should not have to settle for a run-of-the-mill fence simply because you are unaware of the myriad options available. Our full-service fence sales team will explain our vast selection of fence types and coordinate a time for our fencing installation professionals to install a new fence at your home. Call us today to get started.

PVC Spaced Picket Scalloped Tan with French Gothic Posts

Our Team Installs All Types of Fences

We are committed to your satisfaction, so we offer an array of different types of fences for your yard. The friendly associates at Paramount Fence will explain the benefits of each type and help you visualize how they may look in your yard. Whether you know what type of fence you want or need help deciding, our team is happy to assist. We install the following high-quality fences for homeowners throughout Chicagoland.

A wooden fence was installed in the residence of Chicagoland Suburbs, IL

Wood Fences

We create elegant wood fences that beautifully complement our customers’ homes. We have more than a century’s worth of industry experience, and our team is capable of designing, building, and installing fences to fit your exact specifications. The majority of our wood fences are comprised of all-natural, renewable, durable, long-lasting cedar, along with pressure-treated pine so you can rest assured knowing it will stand up to the elements. Our wood fence styles include:

  • Solid Wood
  • Shadowbox/Board on Board
  • Spaced Picket
  • Solid Traditional
  • Spaced Traditional
Black Aluminum Flat Top

Ornamental Fences

If you want to enhance your home’s curb appeal, an ornamental fence from Paramount Fence may be precisely what you need. Our manufacturing professionals create stunning ornamental fences using aluminum, steel, and wrought iron. We will work with you to gain an understanding of your style and budget so that we can ensure you love the result. Our ornamental aluminum and steel fences are maintenance-free and come with a lifetime manufacturer’s warranty.

The PVC White Solid with Spindles fence from PARAMOUNT FENCE at Batavia, IL

PVC / Vinyl Fences

Some of our most eye-catching fences are made from PVC / vinyl. PVC / vinyl fences are cost-effective fencing solutions that do not sacrifice quality or durability.

We can install PVC / vinyl fences that provide complete privacy or allow you to enjoy a semi-private backyard setting. Our durable vinyl fencing styles include:

  • Solid Privacy Tongue & Groove
  • Spaced Picket
  • Solid With Lattice
  • Solid With Spindles
  • Split Rail
Black Chain Link Vinyl Coated

Chain Link Fences

The first thing that comes to mind for many people when they think of fencing is the traditional chain link style. Chain link fences are affordable, offer visibility of your surroundings, and provide protection for your children and pets who may be playing in the yard. Our installation professionals will quickly install your reliable chain link fence.

Black Vinyl Coated Chain Link

Commercial & Industrial Fences

Our expertise is not limited to fencing for residential properties. Paramount Fence also provides commercial/industrial fences in the Chicagoland suburbs and the surrounding areas. We offer commercial and industrial fences made from from all types of materials, including board on batten wood cedar, stockade wood, chain link fencing, and ornamental steel. We can install fences on properties of all sizes, inside and outside.

white solid with lattice cropped

Homeowners Throughout Greater Chicago Rely on Us

Residential and commercial property owners from throughout Chicagoland rely on our expertise when they need to fence their yards. We are proud to offer our unrivaled services to customers in Kane, DuPage, Kendall, Dekalb, McHenry, and parts of Cook, Will, and Lake Counties. Call us today to request fence installation services in your area.

A fence with a sign labeled Paramount in Batavia, IL

Why You Should Choose Paramount Fence

We have earned a stellar reputation at Paramount Fence because of our exceptional customer service, high-quality fence products, and professional installation expertise. We are a member of the American Fence Association and the Better Business Bureau, and customer satisfaction is our priority. We invite you to peruse our photo gallery to view examples of our fence types. While you are looking, you may even find inspiration for your next fencing project. Our team can create a unique fence for you, so start thinking about what material you prefer and any design elements you want to incorporate.

Contact Paramount Fence to Fence Your Property Today

A beautiful fence around your home or commercial property can enhance your curb appeal, provide protection for your children and pets, and add a layer of privacy. Paramount Fence is the premier fencing expert in Illinois. We are proud to provide professional fence installation services throughout the region, so contact us today for a free estimate.

Find a Fencing Solution to Fit Your Budget