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Expert Fence Installation in Kane County, IL

We Have Residential Fencing Solutions You Can Count On

There are so many factors that go into choosing the perfect fence for your residence or business. From the location to the type of fence you’re having installed, it’s important to have a team of trusted professionals on your side each step of the way. Paramount Fence , your locally owned fence company, in the Kane County, IL area has more than 50 years of combined experience in installing professional commercial, residential, and industrial fencingSpeak with us today to schedule your free estimate!

Wood Spaced Picket Traditional

Fence Types Installed in Kane County, IL

We have a wide selection of high-quality fence types to choose from in Kane County, IL. From beautiful wood fences to durable chain-link, we have the perfect fence for your home or business. We offer:

  • Wood: Our wood fences are popular with homeowners who want something natural and aesthetically pleasing for their home and yard. Depending on what style you choose, your fence will either provide complete privacy, such as a solid wood fence where the boards almost touch, or a spaced picket design that feels more open and several other options in between.
  • Ornamental: All our ornamental and decorative fence installations come with a lifetime manufacturers’ warranty. Ornamental aluminum and steel fences and gates add an impressive touch to your property and require no maintenance after installation. More importantly, they last a lifetime.
  • PVC/Vinyl: If you want your fence to look a little more upscale than chain link, PVC is your best option. These low-maintenance fences look great and can last for decades. You can quickly obtain the “white picket fence” of your dreams with our PVC/Vinyl fences.
  • Chain Link: Chain link fences are the most low maintenance option for our customers. They’re durable and provide security and protection for children and pets in the yard. For homeowners looking for little maintenance, our chain link fences are usually the best choice.
  • Commercial: We know how important security is to commercial property owners. Our line of long-lasting commercial and industrial fencing will guard you against intruders and protect your property and investment.
PVC / Vinyl fence, Chicago, IL

The Benefits of Professional Fencing Installation

From additional security for your property to increasing the aesthetics of your yard, there are several benefits to having a state-of-the-art fence installed by a team of professionals. The expert salespeople and installers at Paramount Fence offer a wide range of fencing solutions and can help you select the best one for your property, as well as your budget.

Whether you’re looking for aesthetics, quality, or security, we can help you find the best solution for your needs. Paramount Fence also installs indoor fencing for commercial use. From dog runs to indoor security fencing, we can design and professionally install indoor fencing to satisfy the unique needs of your business. Homeowners and business owners choose us for premier fence installation because we have:

  • Exceptional customer service and care
  • High-quality fence products
  • Professional installation expertise
  • Creative concepts & solutions for unique properties
  • Free on-site estimates

Why Choose Us for Residential & Commercial Fencing Services?

The licensed, certified salespeople and installers at Paramount Fence in Kane County, IL, and surrounding areas of Greater Chicago have more than half a century of combined experience and will always work closely with you to provide a strong, stunning fence that lasts for many years to come. We can assist you with any size project, from small residential properties to large commercial areas. Call us today for your free on-site estimate!

Find a Fencing Solution to Fit Your Budget