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Fencing Schaumburg

A fence can improve the curb appeal of your home and increase your security, but with so many different types of fencing available, it can be hard to choose the right one. With Paramount Fence on your side, you’ll have access to a huge variety of different types of fencing in Schaumburg, along with professional design and installation services. We will work with you to ensure you get the right kind of fencing for your property.

wood privacy fence

What to Consider When Choosing Fencing

It can help you narrow down your options for fencing if you focus on the reasons you’re installing one in the first place. Ask yourself these questions before you settle on a fence:

  • Is security a concern?
  • Do I want a fence for increased privacy?
  • How much time do I want to spend on fence maintenance?
  • What is my budget?
  • Do any HOA codes or municipal ordinances dictate the kind of fence I can have?
  • What styles of fences do I like the most?

Answering these questions and discussing your responses with Paramount Fence will help you narrow down your search considerably. For example, if your budget is tight, you may opt to focus on chain link fence options. If you don’t want to spend time and money on maintenance, then PVC fencing might be the right fit for you.

A black wrought iron fence surrounds a yard featuring a lush green tree in Batavia, IL

How to Choose a Fence for Security & Privacy

For some people, fences have practical purposes: privacy and security. If you want your fence to boost privacy and security on your property, keep these factors in mind:

  • Height of the fence.
  • Fence materials.
  • Space—if any—between the pickets.

Solid panel or shadowbox fencing made of wood or PVC / vinyl is ideal if privacy is your primary concern. For security, chain link fencing, solid panel fencing made of wood or PVC, and even ornamental fencing can offer the increased protection you are looking for.

chain link fence

How to Choose a Fence for Increased Curb Appeal

The right fence can be the perfect complement to your home’s exterior design and landscaping. Ornamental fencing gives the classic appearance of a wrought iron fence, but can be made from aluminum or steel so that it costs less and requires less upkeep. Wood fences can be designed in many different styles to suit your home, while PVC fencing offers the style of wood with lower maintenance needs. Adding decorative touches, like lattices, spear post tops, or arbors, can further increase your home’s curb appeal.

Contact the Fence Experts

Are you ready to embrace the benefits of fencing and find out how to get the right design for your property? Contact Paramount Fence today at 630-406-8410 to find out more about our fencing services in Schaumburg.

Find a Fencing Solution to Fit Your Budget