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Professional Fencing Services in Romeoville, IL

Residents of Romeoville, IL, and the surrounding area trust Paramount Fence for all of their fencing sales and installation needs. Our experts have more than 100 years’ worth of combined experience in the industry, and we are confident that we can suit any customer’s needs. We are committed to evolving with the material and stylistic fencing trends, so we will always provide recommendations that ensure creative, affordable solutions for your residential or commercial property. In addition to high-quality workmanship, we deliver exceptional customer service throughout every project. Call our fencing pros before your next project to learn more.

A wooden fence with a gate beside a colorful swing set in a sunny yard in Batavia, IL

We Install Fencing for Property Owners in Romeoville, IL

Paramount Fence offers many fencing materials and styles from which to choose, and we can install each of them quickly and efficiently. Our fence company has been serving Romeoville, IL for more than a decade, so you have probably seen some of our handiwork around town. Before performing our installation services, we will meet with you to gain an understanding of how you want your fence to appear and ways we can make that happen. Our beautiful fence styles comprise:

Solid Wood Fence with Capper Board


A wooden fence is a timeless home accent that Paramount Fence can customize to fit any aesthetic. Our fencing professionals in Romeoville, IL can design, manufacture, and install a wood fence for your yard that is sure to exceed your expectations for durability and appearance. Choose from a variety of different styles and colors.



For an added touch of elegance on your property, our experts can install an ornamental fence that will surely catch the eyes of passersby. Comprising aluminum, or ornamental steel, ornamental fences come in various styles and colors that will stand the test of time. Ornamental fences can feature enclosed or staggered spears, a flat top, arched gate, or custom style.

Black Vinyl Coated Chain Link

Chain Link

Among the most popular types of fencing, chain link fences provide peace of mind that your children or pets are safe and secure as they enjoy playtime outside. Paramount Fence offers galvanized, aluminized, or vinyl color-coated chain link fences in black, brown, or galvanized. Let us customize one for your home.

PVC picket with arbor


Paramount Fence can install PVC/Vinyl fences on your property in Romeoville, IL that include options for total privacy, semi-privacy, or picket styles. This type of fence allows you to have the appearance of a white picket fence without all of the maintenance associated with wood. These durable, weather-resistant materials ensure your alluring fence will last.

baseball field chain link backstop


Our fencing pros install commercial fences for businesses throughout Romeoville, IL, and the surrounding area. Our fencing capabilities include creating commercial dumpster enclosures, backstops for baseball fields, commercial ornamental pool fencing, board on batten fencing, and much more.

Contact Paramount Fence in Romeoville, IL Today

Choosing a fence involves several factors. You need to decide a style, set a budget, and determine an area – just to name a few. Rely on the fencing experts at Paramount Fence for assistance. We have decades’ worth of experience in the industry, and we are happy to lend our expertise to help achieve your vision. Our team can design, manufacture, and install commercial and residential fences in Romeoville, IL, so do not hesitate to call us before your next project. Contact us today to get started.

Find a Fencing Solution to Fit Your Budget