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Paramount Fence Is Your Trusted Fencing Company

In Naperville, IL our locally owned fence company provides residential, commercial, and industrial consumers with many fencing styles. Our selection of options is guaranteed to fit your needs. We stock and install material for picket fences and semi-private to solid privacy fences for Western red cedar wood fences, PVC/Vinyl fences, ornamental fences, and chain link fences. Our team is trained and equipped to install your fence efficiently and professionally. Contact us for questions!

Image of a wooden fence installed by Paramount Fence in Chicagoland Suburbs, IL

What Types of Wood Fences Do We Install?

Wood fences are suitable to withstand the Midwest weather of Naperville, IL. We offer a great selection of wood fence options. We have what you need if you’re looking for spaced picket wood fences or solid wood styles. Our company keeps options in stock for post tops, including French gothic, gothic, standard and lantern styles for Western Red cedar wood. In addition, Paramount Fence offers Western red cedar wood fencing and pressure treated pine wood. Western Red Cedar wood is very durable, containing natural elements that help prevent pest infestation and naturally resist rot and decay.

What Are the Benefits of Aluminum & Ornamental Fences?

Aluminum and ornamental fences look like wrought iron fences. These have similar features at a lower cost and require minimal maintenance. This allows you to enjoy your installation without much hassle. Wrought iron fences tend to chip and rot quickly while ornamental fences are more stable and reliable. With the amount of rain Naperville, IL experiences, choosing an ornamental fence is the most innovative option.

Choose Exceptional PVC & Vinyl Fence Installation

PVC and vinyl fences are durable and retain a long lifespan. They are affordable while giving you the desired aesthetic look you want. Naperville residents experience taxing winters and heavy rain and snow, so the flexibility and strength of these fences is essential. Most vinyl fences come with a lifetime warranty. PVC/Vinyl fences are popular in both the solid style and the spaced picket style, giving you several options on how much or little privacy you would like for your yard. You can save time by conveniently cleaning these fences with a water hose.

chain link fence

What Chain Link Fence Options Do We Offer?

Paramount Fence offers many styles of chain link fences. They vary in color ranging from galvanized to vinyl to black, brown, and green. These fences are low in cost and need minimal maintenance. While they don’t offer much privacy, they aid in keeping your children and pets safe inside your property. If you’re looking for a sturdy and affordable option, chain link fences are the perfect fit for your needs.

Why Make Paramount Fence Your Top Fence Company?

When you choose Paramount Fence, you won’t be disappointed. You can trust our fencing company to ensure you with exceptional fence installation and high-quality service. We’re one of the top go-to fencing companies in Naperville, IL. We have some of the highest customer service ratings in the area. We carry all supplies necessary to meet your needs if you’re looking into a customizable fence option. We’d love to be your first choice for installation! Contact us today for questions about our services.

Find a Fencing Solution to Fit Your Budget