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Buffalo Grove | Fences | 60089 | Fencing | Installation | Paramount Fence

Few home improvement projects are quite as versatile as new fencing. A beautiful wood, PVC / vinyl, or ornamental fence will grace your home with curb appeal, boost your property value, give your family privacy, and secure your property. It can even keep your kids and pets safe and create a beautiful outdoor enclosure to enjoy. Paramount Fence wants to bring your landscaping dreams to life. We proudly serve residential and commercial clients in the Buffalo Grove area.

Shadowbox Scalloped fence

Our Professional Approach

Here at Paramount Fence, nothing is more important to us than your complete satisfaction. We pride ourselves on world-class customer care, and we’ll do everything possible to ensure your experience is enjoyable and stress-free. Our team has more than 50 years of combined experience in the fencing industry. Let us put our knowledge to work for you. Simply tell us what you want in a fence and what your ballpark budget is, and we’ll develop customized recommendations just for you.

PVC White Scalloped Picket_Ball Caps

Types of Fences

Our professional installers only work with high-quality products. The type of fence that’s right for your property will depend on your priorities. Your choices are:

wood privacy fence

Wood Fences

Our Western red cedar wood fences are among our most-requested choices. This particular species of wood offers superior durability and resistance to decay, and it’s ideal for all types of fence designs. Our professional team can build your wood fence in the following styles:

  • Spaced Picket Fence
  • Solid Privacy Fence
  • Shadowbox Fence
  • Split Rail

And of course, you can customize the stylistic details to suit your property. Choose from different finishes, posts, and silhouettes. We can even top your customized fence with a lattice if you wish.

A black wrought iron fence surrounds a yard featuring a lush green tree in Batavia, IL

Ornamental Fences

Ornamental aluminum and steel fences offer the luxurious look of real wrought iron, but at an affordable price and with less maintenance required. Residential and commercial property owners love our ornamental fences because they offer sophistication and style. They are also an excellent choice for security-minded property owners.

chain link fence

Chain Link Fences

Paramount Fence recommends our high-quality chain link fences for property owners who need unbeatable function and aesthetic design. Choose from our galvanized or vinyl-coated chain link. These are available in black, green, and brown.

white PVC fence with lattice on top

PVC / Vinyl Fences

A PVC fence installed by Paramount Fence can transform your property. We offer semi-private and solid privacy PVC fences, as well as spaced picket fences. PVC is a popular choice because of its minimal maintenance needs and exceptional ruggedness. Different color options are available, including white, clay, and tan.

Contact the Fence Experts

You can request your free estimate from Paramount Fence by calling 630-406-8410. Homeowners and business owners in Buffalo Grove, IL, and the surrounding areas love our personalized approach and creative fencing solutions.

Find a Fencing Solution to Fit Your Budget