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Fencing Installation, Aurora, IL

Paramount Fence: Aurora Fence Installation You Can Trust

Selecting the right fence for your property can be a significant decision that requires careful consideration. If you’re located in Aurora, Kane County, Illinois, Paramount Fence is here to help. As a locally owned and operated company with over 15 years of experience, we offer exceptional fencing installations and services to both residential and commercial clients. Our team of fencing experts is dedicated to working with you to ensure that you purchase a fence that meets your specific needs and preferences. We offer a wide range of materials and styles to choose from and are committed to providing you with the highest quality craftsmanship for your fence. Contact us today to schedule your free on-site estimate and let us show you why we’re the premier name in fence installation in Aurora and beyond.

White fence and stone wall with blooming flowers, captured in Batavia, IL

Privacy Fencing

Privacy fencing is a popular choice among residential and commercial customers who seek complete privacy and security on their properties. This type of fencing obstructs the view from the outside, ensuring that no one can see inside the premises. It is an ideal option for parents who want their kids to play safely outside within the yard’s boundaries, without the risk of anyone else being able to watch them. Moreover, privacy fencing offers an excellent opportunity for homeowners to create a private space for entertainment, such as barbeques, family parties, or simply enjoying the outdoors. For businesses, privacy fencing helps to enhance security and protect their assets from theft, vandalism, and other unwanted intrusions.

Aluminum Flat Top Ameristar

Ornamental Fencing

If you want to have a fence that looks distinct and unique, ornamental fencing might be the right choice for you. Ornamental fences are a type of fencing that can be made of various materials such as wrought iron, steel, or aluminum and are known for their aesthetically pleasing appearance. Ornamental fencing is commonly used to achieve a classic and elegant look.  Aluminum ornamental fences are a popular alternative to wrought iron due to their affordability, durability, maintenance free characteristics and customization options. Ornamental fences offer good security while allowing an unobstructed view in or out of the yard. You can personalize the look of your fence by choosing different colors, such as black, bronze, or white. Moreover, installing an ornamental fence can potentially increase the value of your property.

A team member from Paramount Fence  provides fence installation service in Chicagoland Suburbs, IL

Fence Maintenance

When deciding on a fence material, your fencing salesperson will discuss the necessary maintenance with you. Certain fence types, like wood, require regular maintenance, such as painting, staining, and resealing to keep them in good condition. In contrast, PVC/vinyl fencing requires very little maintenance. By considering the level of maintenance you’re willing to put into your fence beforehand, you can ensure that the final result is something you’ll be satisfied with for years to come.

Contact Paramount Fence Today

At Paramount Fence, we take pride in being a trusted and reputable fence company serving the Aurora, IL community and surrounding areas. We are committed to providing exceptional customer service, honest pricing, and high-quality craftsmanship in all our fence installations and services. Whether you’re looking for a fence to enhance your home’s curb appeal or to secure your business, we have the expertise and resources to make it happen. Contact us today to schedule your free on-site estimate and let us help you make your fence dreams a reality. With Paramount Fence, you can trust that your property is in good hands.

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