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Aurora, IL Fencing Installation

What is the first impression that people get when they see your home in Aurora, IL 60502, 60504? If your home could use a breath of fresh air, then new fencing could be the perfect way to give it that upgrade it needs. The benefit of fencing is that it can be both beautiful and functional, providing both aesthetic appeal and usefulness for your family. If you’re considering adding a fence to your home, make Paramount Fence your first call. We’ve been installing fencing in Aurora for over 10 years, and we go out of our way to ensure that every customer gets the best fence for his or her property at the best possible price.


wood privacy fence

Privacy Fencing

For residential and commercial customers alike, privacy fencing is a popular choice. This kind of fencing completely obstructs the view into your property from the outside, so that no one can see into your space. Parents love this kind of fencing because it lets kids play outside safely, without worries about them leaving the yard or anyone seeing them inside. If you simply want to turn your yard into a private space for entertaining and enjoying backyard cookouts and family parties, then a privacy fence can create that area for you. Aurora privacy fencing is also ideal for commercial properties and allows businesses to improve security and better protect their assets.


A black wrought iron fence surrounds a yard featuring a lush green tree in Batavia, IL

Ornamental Fencing

If you’re more interested in creating a unique look with your fence, then consider ornamental fencing. Wrought iron ornamental fencing offers a classic, beautiful look, but it’s not the only option for an ornamental fence. This type of fencing can also be made of aluminum or steel and gives you security without obstructing the view in or out of your yard. You can customize the look of your fence with different types of toppers and by using different types of post spacing and post widths. Different colors are also available, including black, bronze, and white. Ornamental/aluminum fencing can add serious value to your Aurora home if you decide it is time to sell in the future.


Fence Maintence

One thing your fencing contractor will discuss with you as you consider different fence materials is the required maintenance. Some forms of fences, such as wood, do need regular maintenance to stay in top condition, including staining or painting as well as resealing. Other fence materials, such as PVC/vinyl, require virtually no maintenance. By considering in advance the amount of maintenance you want to put into your fences, you can ensure you end up with a final result that you’ll be happy with for years to come.

When you rely on Paramount Fence, you can feel confident that you’ll get high-quality fences that meet your needs. To find out more about the different fence services we provide in Aurora, call 630-406-8410 today.

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