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Choosing a low-maintenance fence can save you time and money while still enhancing your property. Paramount Fence, a locally owned Illinois company with over 100 years of combined experience, offers durable and easy-care fence materials that minimize upkeep. Here’s a look at the best low-maintenance options and why they’re a smart investment.

Low-Maintenance Fences, Chicago, IL

1. PVC/Vinyl Fencing – The Ultimate Low-Maintenance Option

PVC/Vinyl fencing is a popular choice for those seeking a durable and easy-care fence. This material requires minimal upkeep, as it resists fading, decay, and damage from Illinois weather.

  • Durability – PVC/Vinyl fences can last 25-35 years, offering long-lasting performance without needing paint or sealant.
  • Simple Cleaning – A quick wash with soap and water keeps vinyl looking new, with no need for additional treatments.

2. Aluminum Fencing – Elegant and Resilient

Aluminum fencing offers an attractive, modern look with minimal maintenance. While not suited for heavy-impact areas, aluminum fencing provides an easy-care solution for residential and commercial properties seeking a sleek appearance.

  • Rust Resistance – Aluminum fences don’t rust, so they maintain their appearance with little intervention.
  • Weather-Resilient – This material holds up well against Illinois’ varied climate, making it an ideal choice for lasting value.

3. Chain Link Fencing – Practical and Easy to Maintain

Chain link fencing is both practical and relatively low-maintenance, providing a functional boundary with minimal upkeep. Ideal for both residential and commercial properties, chain link fences are easy to install and durable.

  • Affordable and Long-Lasting – With a lifespan of 25-35 years, chain link fencing is a cost-effective choice that performs well for a variety of uses.
  • Minimal Upkeep – A periodic wash with water keeps the fence clean and ready for the long haul.

4. Wood Fencing – Low Maintenance with Proper Materials

For those who prefer the classic look of wood, choosing high-quality, durable materials like western red cedar can help reduce maintenance needs. Paramount Fence’s wood fences are built to withstand the elements and age well with basic upkeep.

  • Western Red Cedar – Compared to pre-pandemic pricing, western red cedar is a bit more costly but offers natural resistance to decay, making it a worthwhile choice.
  • Minimal Treatments Required – Western red cedar holds up well without additional staining or sealing, giving you the charm of wood with minimal work.

For those wanting a traditional look, Paramount Fence’s wood fencing offers various styles, including solid and shadowbox options.

Why Choose Paramount Fence?

Paramount Fence is a locally owned business dedicated to providing high-quality, low-maintenance fencing options in Chicagoland, Illinois. With over a century’s worth of combined experience, we offer a range of durable and cost-effective solutions for homeowners and businesses. Our team meets with you to find the perfect fencing option, offering free estimates and special financing.

We strive to provide excellent customer service, which is why we have been members of the American Fence Association for almost 20 years and members of the local Chicagoland Chapter of the Better Business Bureau (BBB) for almost 20 years. In fact, we have one of the highest customer service ratings with the Better Business Bureau in the area. For more information, visit our website or speak with us at 630-239-2714.