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Keeping your metal fence rust-free is essential for maintaining its durability and appearance. Paramount Fence, a locally owned business with over a century of combined experience, offers expert advice on rust prevention.

Here’s how to protect your fence, and if you need a new installation, Paramount provides free estimates and special financing.

How to Keep Your Fence from Rusting, Chicago, IL

1. Choose Rust-Resistant Materials

  • Ornamental Aluminum & Steel Fences – Aluminum & Steel fences, available through Paramount, offer durability and are rust-resistant compared to the older material, wrought iron, which may be vulnerable to impact damage.
  • Chain Link Fences – These fences are made from galvanized steel, providing a barrier against rust, and can last 25-35 years with minimal upkeep.

Learn about Paramount Fence’s material options here.

2. Use Protective Coatings

  • Galvanization – Galvanized steel, common in chain link fences, uses a zinc layer to shield against rust.
  • Powder Coating – This finish provides a protective, weather-resistant barrier that extends the life of metal fences.

Coatings add a layer of rust resistance, ideal for Illinois’ diverse weather conditions.

3. Keep the Fence Clean

  • Regular Cleaning – Periodically clean your fence with mild soap and water to prevent debris buildup, which can trap moisture and contribute to rust.
  • Inspect for Rust – Spot-check the fence for any minor rust areas to address early signs before they spread.

For wood fences, Paramount exclusively uses western red cedar and pressure-treated pine, which resist rot and decay and endure 15-20 years.

4. Trim Landscaping Around the Fence

  • Maintain Clearance – Trim any plants touching your fence, as moisture trapped by plants can speed up rust formation.
  • Adjust Sprinklers – Make sure your sprinklers aren’t spraying directly on your fence, which could increase moisture exposure.

These practices also help wood fences by reducing unnecessary moisture contact, aiding in their longevity.

5. Commit to Routine Maintenance

A bit of regular upkeep goes a long way in preventing rust. Paramount Fence’s experts recommend simple practices to keep your fence in top condition, prolonging its lifespan and visual appeal.

Paramount Fence – Your Local Expert for Long-Lasting Fences

As a locally owned business with more than a century of combined experience, Paramount Fence provides high-quality, rust-resistant fencing solutions for homes and businesses across Illinois’ suburbs. Our team of experts is ready to meet with you, offering personalized designs and professional installation to fit your exact specifications.

We strive to provide excellent customer service, which is why we have been members of the American Fence Association for almost 20 years and members of the local Chicagoland Chapter of the Better Business Bureau (BBB) for almost 20 years. In fact, we have one of the highest customer service ratings with the Better Business Bureau in the area. For more information, visit our website or speak with us at 630-239-2714.