Do You Need a New Fence?

Fencing can be a big investment, one often put off replacing by homeowners. Many choose to let it limp along in a state of disrepair rather than replacing it. While fences can often last for many years, there will come a time when you’ll have to stop repairing your fence and get a new fence. How do you know when that time has come? Do you need a new fence?
- You might not need to replace your fence if it just needs a simple repair. If your wooden fence, for instance, is damaged, you may be able to fix it with wood putty or by replacing a board or a panel. The drawback of this is that the repaired spot will be a different color, but if you’re planning to paint the fence it may not matter. Similarly, you may be able to repair a crack in your vinyl fence by replacing the affected picket or panel. Aluminum fences are quite sturdy, but if you’ve got a loose post you may be able to steady it with some backfill, and if you have a loose rail, a t-brace may be able to strengthen it.
- Sometimes, you’re better off replacing the fence. If fixing your fence would involve replacing more than 20 percent of the panels or pickets, it’s time for a new fence. If several fence posts need to be replaced, it’s probably time to overhaul the entire fence. If your fence is very old, you may not be able to find parts to repair it. Then, too, if your fence is unsightly, with stains, corrosion, or rot, it’s better to replace it than to repair it.
- What if the fence you have is not the fence you want? Your fence doesn’t have to be damaged to warrant replacement. It may not afford you enough privacy, or you may feel that it’s not the right height for your property. Your fence may have been installed by someone who wanted a decorative enclosure, and the fence doesn’t meet your security needs. Additionally, if you have children you’re trying to protect, or a dog who is an escape artist, you may have very specific requirements for a fence. Maybe the fence was already on your property when you purchased the house, and it doesn’t suit your aesthetic style. Not liking the way it looks is a perfectly valid reason to get a new fence.
When you’re ready for a new fence, call Paramount Fence for professional installation. A full-service fence sales and installation business in the Chicagoland area, with more than half a century of combined experience, we’re dedicated to providing creative and affordable solutions that address our clients’ needs and fulfill their requests. Paramount Fence is a member of the American Fence Association and a registered member of the Better Business Bureau. For more information, call us at 630-239-2714 or contact us through our website.