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Installing a fence around your swimming pool offers many benefits for homeowners, from safety to enhanced privacy. Paramount Fence, a locally owned business with over 100 years of combined experience, offers expert pool fence installation for Chicagoland, Illinois residents. With a pool fence, you can enjoy peace of mind and a secure space that fits your home’s aesthetic and meets local safety standards.

Wooden fence installed for a swimming pool area in Batavia, IL

1. Enhanced Pool Safety

Adding a fence around your pool is one of the best ways to ensure safety, especially for families with children or pets. Pool fences are generally required by the municipality to create a physical barrier, helping prevent accidental access to the pool area.

  • Peace of Mind – Knowing there’s a reliable barrier helps parents and pet owners feel confident about safety.
  • Safety Standards Compliance – Paramount Fence provides expert advice on safety regulations to ensure your pool fence meets your municipality’s standards.

2. Increased Privacy

A pool fence can also offer privacy, creating a comfortable, secluded area for family and friends to enjoy.

  • Privacy Fencing Options – Paramount Fence offers various fencing styles, like wood, PVC/Vinyl or ornamental designs, which provide security and a private space around your pool.
  • Enhanced Enjoyment – With a fenced pool area, you can relax without worrying about outside distractions or unwanted visibility.

The right pool fence can help transform your backyard into a private oasis, ideal for relaxing and entertaining.

3. Improved Aesthetic Appeal and Home Value

Pool fences aren’t just functional; they can also enhance your property’s curb appeal and potentially increase its value. With a range of high-quality materials and designs, Paramount Fence creates customized pool fences that complement your home’s style.

  • Stylish Options – Choose from styles like solid wood, shadowbox, or ornamental steel to match your home’s look.
  • Boost in Curb Appeal – A well-designed pool fence can elevate your backyard’s appearance, giving it a polished, appealing look.

See Paramount’s ornamental fencing options for ideas to enhance your pool area.

4. Durability and Low Maintenance

When selecting a pool fence, durability and low maintenance are important considerations. Paramount Fence provides high-quality materials such as western red cedar and ornamental steel that withstand Chicagoland, Illinois’ weather conditions.

  • Weather-Resistant Materials – Paramount’s western red cedar, PVC/Vinyl and ornamental steel fences are built to handle Illinois’ elements, lasting up to 25-35 years.
  • Minimal Maintenance – Durable materials mean less upkeep, so you can spend more time enjoying your pool rather than maintaining the fence.

Why Choose Paramount Fence?

Paramount Fence is locally owned and committed to providing quality fencing services in the Chicagoland are of Illinois. Our team is ready to meet with you, offering free estimates, personalized designs, and financing options to help you find the best fence for your pool area.

We strive to provide excellent customer service, which is why we have been members of the American Fence Association for almost 20 years and members of the local Chicagoland Chapter of the Better Business Bureau (BBB) for almost 20 years. In fact, we have one of the highest customer service ratings with the Better Business Bureau in the area. For more information, visit our website or speak with us at 630-239-2714.