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Aluminum fences are popular for their durability, aesthetic appeal, and low-maintenance requirements. Paramount Fence, a locally owned business with over 100 years of combined experience, offers expert tips to help homeowners maintain their aluminum fencing. If you’re considering a new fence, Paramount Fence provides free estimates and financing options for an easy decision-making process.

Aluminum Fence Maintenance, Chicago, IL

Benefits of Aluminum Fencing

Aluminum fencing offers several benefits, making it ideal for Illinois weather. It resists corrosion and requires less upkeep than other metal fences. Aluminum fences do not warp or decay, making them a great long-term investment for homeowners. These fences have a lifespan of 25-35 years, keeping your property secure and looking elegant.

Explore Paramount Fence’s aluminum fencing options here.

Essential Maintenance Tips

While aluminum fencing is low maintenance, some basic upkeep will enhance its longevity. Here are a few straightforward tips:

  • Regular Cleaning – Periodically wash your fence with mild soap and water to remove dirt and debris that accumulate over time. This simple cleaning keeps the fence looking fresh and prevents grime from dulling the metal.
  • Inspect for Damage – Check your fence for any signs of bending or loose hardware. Although aluminum can handle some impact, periodic inspection helps catch any minor issues early.

Keep Landscaping Clear

  • Avoid Direct Contact – Plants or vines touching the fence can trap moisture, leading to gradual wear. Trim back bushes or vines to prevent direct contact, which can cause stains or weaken the structure over time.
  • Adjust Sprinklers – Water exposure should be minimized to avoid mineral buildup or moisture stains. Position sprinkler systems so they do not spray directly onto the fence.

These simple steps will help your aluminum fence stay in peak condition and maintain its elegant appearance.

Maintain the Coating

Most aluminum fences come with a powder-coated finish that adds extra protection and helps prevent scratches. Powder coating adds a resilient layer that guards against weather damage and keeps the fence’s color vibrant.

  • Avoid Harsh Chemicals – Only use mild cleaning agents on your aluminum fence. Harsh chemicals can erode the coating, reducing its protective effect.
  • Touch-Up as Needed – If you notice any small chips or scratches in the coating, consider applying touch-up paint specifically designed for aluminum. This protects exposed metal from wear.

Paramount Fence – Quality and Service You Can Rely On

As a locally owned business, Paramount Fence takes pride in serving Illinois homeowners with high-quality fences and personalized service. Our team of experts is ready to meet with you, offering free estimates, special financing, and fencing solutions tailored to your specific needs.

We strive to provide excellent customer service, which is why we have been members of the American Fence Association for almost 20 years and members of the local Chicagoland Chapter of the Better Business Bureau (BBB) for almost 20 years. In fact, we have one of the highest customer service ratings with the Better Business Bureau in the area. For more information, visit our website or speak with us at 630-239-2714.