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Hire a Paramount Fence Contractor

Your fence will be the first thing someone sees when they visit your commercial or residential property. You cannot leave looks or installation to chance when making a first impression. Know what to expect from your expert installation and put your trust in Paramount Fence! Our family-owned and operated company has helped thousands of home and business owners in Kane, DuPage, Kendall, Dekalb, McHenry, and parts of Cook, Will, and Lake Counties. Our company offers a broad array of exceptional fencing installations and services, and we pride ourselves on honesty, choice, and superior service. When you’re thinking of installing a premier fence on your property, call us first. Paramount Fence will walk you through every step of the process, choose the right style and materials for the look you want, and ensure the highest quality craftsmanship for your fence. Contact us today for your free on-site estimate.

A fence with a sign labeled Paramount in Batavia, IL

Our Fencing Installation Process

Paramount Fence has been the premier name in fence installation in the Greater Chicagoland area for over 15 years and offering over 100 years of combined industry experience. Our salespeople and installers will always work closely with you to provide a strong, stunning fence that stands the test of time. Our company utilizes the most modern methods, equipment, and techniques to ensure your complete satisfaction and will always treat you fairly and honestly in everything we do. Let us walk you through your residential or commercial fence installation process and show you the difference you get working with Paramount Fence.

Free On-Site Estimate

After you contact us to schedule your free estimate, we come to your property to do a complete assessment that works with your timeframe. Our salespeople will walk you through all of your fencing options, discuss the materials, height, and purpose of your installation, and make helpful recommendations based on your budget, unique style, and needs.


We measure your property as an integral step to an ideal fence installation. But we don’t simply collect area measurements. Our salespeople check slopes, corners, outcroppings, trees, and other factors to determine what deviations or changes will be necessary. We discuss all of these alterations with you and how they will impact your project overall.

Down Payment

After the measurements are complete for your personalized fencing project, we use that data to give you your tailored estimate within a few days. When you have agreed, we have you sign a contract, make a down payment and wait for you to give us your permit number (if applicable) to save your tentative, weather permitting space in our work schedule.


Before any digging can begin, our company contacts JULIE (which is the law), who marks and clears all utilities from the area with visible flags and spray paint. We take ownership of all these steps to make things easier and as part of our service promise to you.


Once all paperwork is in order, permits are approved and Homeowner’s Association approval is obtained (as applicable), and utilities marked, we can begin the installation. Fence installation from Paramount can take one to three days, depending on the size of your property. We meticulously install all fencing in a timely, efficient manner, using only the finest materials. When your installation is complete, we will haul away any old perimeter fencing if this is included in your signed contract and follow up with you on any fine details or answer any questions you may have.

A white fence featuring a sign attached to it in Batavia, IL

Why Choose Paramount Fence?

Paramount Fence has gained an impeccable reputation with our residential and commercial customers for our professionalism, expertise, and outstanding results. We give you real choice when it comes to your fence, offering a wide range of materials and styles to match your unique preferences. We are members of the American Fence Association (AFA) and have earned an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau. But more than just our credentials, we’re focused on service. You are more than a customer when working with us. We make you an important member of our business family, and we always strive to be there when you need us – before, during, and after installation. Contact us today to get your free estimate.

Contact Paramount Fence for Your Next Installation

Your fence provides protection and security for your loved ones and employees. It completes the look of your property and adds undeniable curb appeal to your home. Do not trust just any company to help you get the fencing installation you want. Talk to the experts at Paramount Fence for the installation experience you deserve, and let us be your premier fence company for life. Contact us for your free on-site estimate.

Find a Fencing Solution to Fit Your Budget